Monday 19 June 2017

How to Pass the NCLEX Exam

To become a certified registered nurse, first, you will have to pass the NCLX or the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses. You may have a BSN or associate’s degree, but these will not land you up in very prestigious medical facilities. Getting certified by the NCLEX could be a great enhancement to your career prospects. The NCLEX exams were first established by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing. The board not only focuses on providing a nursing degree but also places a high weight on establishing standards of professional practice. This is mainly done through the first level screening process that is the exam itself. The questions for the entrance are so designed so as to thoroughly test your skills as well as the ability to think critically, which is extreme importance, especially in a profession like nursing that, comes with a great amount of responsibility and mental alertness at all times during the working hours.

When you appear for the exams, you will be tested for how well you can apply the knowledge you have acquired through your nursing training. They are also strategized so is to find out your decision-making skills and critical thinking that could come to help during the common nursing situations. These exams are held every year by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing. They also publish their test patterns before the commencement of the exam. This is greatly helpful if you are really looking to crack the NCLEX exams. The test plan should give you enough insight about how you should make your preparations for the exam. The structure, content and question types and scoring patterns are all discussed in the test plans that are released for the appearing candidates. This information is more than enough to help you understand how the exam works so that you can manage your preparations accordingly.

The tips given below will guide you on how to get success in the NCLEX exams.

1.    Get well acquainted with the test plan

As mentioned earlier, the National Council of State Boards of Nursing releases their test plans every year. You can get access to this on their official site as well as any other website that helps the candidates to prepare for the NCLEX exams. Getting familiar with the question pattern and the scoring system will greatly help you by reducing your anxiety levels.

2.    Set your routine

Bing a procrastinator or an all-nighter will not help you are really hoping to pull off the exams. So make a study plan well in advance and stick to it. This way, you will get time to cover everything that is on the study plan and also gives you enough time for revision, which is very important irrespective of the aim you are taking.

3.    Collect your study material

You cannot really expect to have a good preparation unless you have access to good study material. For the exam, do not just depend on your nursing school notes, but also look for resources from various NCLEX exam prep sites.

4.    Keep your cool

To perform well in the exam, it is of utmost importance to keep your cool. Having a good preparation will give you this confidence to perform well. Try not to get lost after you get your question papers. Take a bottle of water along with you and stay focused. Getting to the exam center well in advance will also help to reduce your anxiety on the day of exams.